Visit the Makerspace to get ready for the holiday season! We will be making seasonal ornaments with any of the Makerspace supplies, but be ready! You only have 1 hour to complete your project!
When you’re finished, be sure to grab one of our unique, monthly sticker designs for successfully completing your project and submit a picture of your project for a chance to be one of our Featured Project Champions! 3 winners will be chosen by HPL staff, and receive a special button-pin, a coupon for up to $5.00 off one Makerspace project, and the option of having a picture of their project displayed in the Makerspace! Ask staff for instructions on how to submit your entry. The deadline to enter the contest is December 21st. Winners will be notified at our Maker Meetup on December 28th, or contacted by email or phone.
How do I start?
Visit the Makerspace during the month of December and tell the staff you want to do the featured project.
You will need…
1 hour of time.
How much does this cost?
Featured projects are provided by the library for free.