Our Makerspace featured project this month is for all you aspiring clothing designers! Get ready to learn how to produce your own graphic shirt… Using easy-to-use software, you can create fun artwork and lettering to cut out of Heat Transfer Vinyl and iron on to your clothes.
When you’re finished, be sure to grab one of our unique, monthly sticker designs for successfully completing your project and submit a picture of your project for a chance to be one of our Featured Project Champions! 3 winners will be chosen by HPL staff, and receive a special button-pin, a free project using Makerspace materials (up to $5.00), and the option of having their picture displayed in the Makerspace! Ask Makerspace staff for instructions on how to submit your picture.

You will need…
…an email address to make a Cricut account, and an article of clothing to iron your design to.
How long will this take?
This project should take 1 – 2 hours.
When can I do this project?
Featured projects are available in the Makerspace during open hours for the entire month!
How much does this cost?
Featured projects are offered without the usual material charges, but don’t forget you’ll need to bring your own piece of clothing!