Welcome to the launch of our Seasonal Achievements program! This is an all-new Makerspace activity for you to enjoy, where completing challenges can earn you limited-edition sticker-badges to show off your accomplishments! We’ve assembled 12 challenges to grow your maker-skills, from open-ended fun ones, to some that will really test your abilities.

To participate: visit the Makerspace and ask for the “Summer Achievements” activity sheet. It describes the challenges to complete, and gives you a place to put the stickers you earn. When you have completed a challenge, show the results to a Makerspace staff member to get your sticker!

This activity is appropriate for middle schoolers to adults. The challenges will require a variety of skills, including computer literacy, reading and understanding instructions, self-motivation, and creative thinking. You may need to pay for materials provided by the library.

The Summer achievements will be available until September, when we will have a new set of challenges. This activity replaces our monthly Featured Projects. We hope it will provide you many fun opportunities to exercise your maker-abilities and learn new skills!