Community Outreach

Want the Library to participate in your next community event? Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

Youth Outreach

Our Youth Outreach Coordinator brings storytimes, books, StoryWalk®, puppet shows, customized programs and more to schools, daycares and community events. If you have questions about Youth Outreach, please call Amy at 620-663-5441 ext. 122 or email her at

If you are ready to schedule your youth outreach program or event with the library, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

Homebound Outreach

You or a loved one may be struggling to get around like you used to, but you can still use Hutchinson Public Library! The library’s homebound outreach program will bring the library to your door!  We will help you create a personalized selection of library materials, and deliver them to your door every other week, and you gain the health benefits of staying connected to something you enjoy. If you would like to register, or for a family member, to receive outreach deliveries, please call our homebound outreach staff at 620-663-5441 x 116.